Blowing Smoke and Seahorses
100 Pages
Timezone 8
During his residency in China, Tanis wandered the streets of Chinas ever-expanding cities; its vast construction sites, dirty sweatshops, shopping malls, markets and provisional migrant dwellings in the cellars of enormous apartment blocks. Tanis has a sixth sense for the wry side of life, which is communicated in the books design. Besides the range of 22 different covers, there also seems to be a trick to seeing the images that are locked between the pages. It is precisely this delayed gratification that gives the book its extra value; for knowledge of the world implies an attack on its compactness and seeming logic.

Blind Dogs, Fallen Men
28 Pages
Café Royal Books
Wandering along the streets of China’s ever expanding cities, Aram Tanis focuses on aspects of daily urban life that often escape the eye.
China as mapped by Tanis stands in strong opposition to the image of China advocated by commercial advertising. If the enormous billboards speak of happy shiny family life, these photographs are about solitude and loss.

40 Pages
Origini Edizioni
This book tells about Japan: modernity and chaos against tradition, which characterizes the city in the collective imagination. We tell this story in black and white, by contrasts.

It Was Never Personal
16 Pages
For It Was Never Personal Aram Tanis photographed torn, mouldy and discarded advertisement posters, that still have elements of this ideal of beauty companies wanted to sell, but at the same time they show the decay, the dirty and the ugly of reality. Now during the corona crisis, the posters are no longer replaced in a number of places, so the decay goes further than usual.

Ji Hyun Song
24 Pages
Tanis articulates this ambivalence between fascination and the feeling of being foreign with his view of contemporary Seoul, as he focuses on the surface of things in Ji Hyun Song. Tanis' photographs of Seoul compositionally present the dynamism of the large city. His photographs address not only the far-reaching absence of inhabitants in this city as well as the metropolis in which people remain anonymous and lead anonymous lives. What arises is a portrait of the entire body of a city, which in terms of precise observation includes not only the topography but also the structural elements of the social and the economic, and be it only as the empty space in the web of functionally differentiated urban space.

Parallel Lives
46 Pages
Het Vijfde Seizoen
In meticulous and poetic words Tanis captures thoughts and actions and creates an image of an in itself communicating inner world. The isolation and the absence caused by this disorder are gradually becoming more oppressive. The text, which is partly fiction and partly observation, takes the reader back and forth between different realities. It represents the complex feelings of how someone can experience him or herself as an outsider.

Urban Jungle
36 Pages
If you’ve been reading our magazine you will have heard of Aram Tanis. This title suits him too, especially when you take a look at his new book Urban Jungle. This publication is a collection of black and white photographs, which he took during his travels in Asia. Tanis finds himself in an urban jungle that is turning into an urban zoo. With this book the artist invites us to take a voyeuristic look at our fellow earthlings as though they are animals in a zoo.

Maruta 731
48 Pages
Maruta 731 contains images of Japanese soldiers and Korean comfort women in combination with images of Japanese business men and Korean female prostitutes.

Amsterdam Blues
126 Pages
Amsterdam Blues bears its name well. There's a lot of grit to Aram Tanis' work, one that you'd be hard pressed to find in the cloroxed city of Amsterdam these days. It shows the bizarre and erotic which have since the 1990s given way to a more hygienic debauchery.
Amsterdam Blues is a bewitching vision of discombobulated times gone by, and Tanis plays well with the beauty of the ugly and uncomfortable. In that way Amsterdam Blues is cohesive and eyebrow-raising - and with a little imagination, you can almost hear the punk rock soundtrack.

Smoke Bath
328 Pages
Seems Books
Smoke Bath is a collection of photographs and art work loosely based on the theme of camping, nature and exploring.
The goal of Smoke Bath is to showcase the work of artists that are inspired by nature and raise money for freshair.org in the process. The Fresh Air Fund is an independent, not-for-profit agency that provides free summer vacations to New York City children from low-income communities.

101 Contemporary Artists and More...
184 Pages
Collect Art
The art book series 101 contemporary artists and more… is an aesthetic version of, what nowadays art gives to the viewer, and how contemporary art and literature can bond together. With this series, we would like to show readers and viewers those artists and writers, who write today's history, artists to follow and the writers to read, address and confront with something unusual and unexpected, we would like to respond that makes us feel emotional, sometimes stupid, naked and at the same time natural.

Gallery Korea 2011
45 Pages
Korean Cultural Center New York
Gallery Korea’s 'Call for Artists' is an annual series of exhibitions that highlight the creative endeavors of Korean artists or artists with links to Korea and Korean culture.

Pieter and Marieke Sanders: OBJECTONDER / OBJECT BELOW
144 Pages
Walther König
The title of this book, OBJECT ONDER / OBJECT BELOW, refers to the label the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam uses in its depot to warn that a covered artwork lies below and thus no objects should be placed on top of it.
This book is a snapshot from the forty-plus years of art collecting adventure by Pieter and Marieke Sanders. It tells of the role that art plays in their lives.

Paralleles Leben
167 Pages
Frankfurter Kunstverein
On occasion of Korea being the guest country of the Frankfurt Book Fair, the Frankfurter Kunstverein presented the exhibition Paralleles Leben.
South Korea has in the space of a few decades gone through a development that for other countries takes centuries. The country is technologically highly developed, the urban architecture resembles Western cities, but still the unstoppable will to progress exists side by side with a distinctive awareness of tradition. North Korea, on the other hand, is one of the few still existing communist countries, which hermetically cuts itself off from the rest of the world and defends its ideology against all conflicts and influences from the outside.

176 Pages
Photo Festival Naarden
Joy, fear, pain, anger, happiness, sadness, wonder, anger, emotion, horror and pride; a selection of the emotions that we all encounter in our lives to a greater or lesser extent. Emotion, an inner perception of feeling, manifests itself in human beings in their body language. More and more we want to experience feelings, experience kicks and cross emotional boundaries. Photographic imagery makes an excellent carrier for conveying emotions and this is why this edition of the Epson FotoFestival Naarden is an ode to feelings. We do this under the title Emoticon (a contraction of the words emotion and icon), a term known from the internet and mobile phones. The festival has been divided into five sub-themes; Paradise, In Memoriam, Buy Me, Fear and Beautiful Freak.

BADGAST In Between PS1 New York and Shanghai
100 Pages
Arts and science can express the spatial and social and ecological qualities - as well as the problems - of our coastal areas, and make them engagingly accessible to the public. These works can transform a destination normally marked by consumption and recreation into a platform for critical communication and serious reflection. This timely reflection on spatial transition processes may act as a strong catalyst in generating public and professional discussions and connect contemporary research and new works to historic and future works and coastal transitions.

Art, Property of Politics II Freethinkers' Space
76 Pages
Van Abbe Museum
The project Art, Property of Politics II consists out of an exhibition of the Freethinkers’ Space in the Van Abbemuseum, who subsequently purchased the complete installation for its collection. This further included selected books from the Freethinkers’ Library and video registrations of the opening speeches by the curators of the Freethinkers’ Space. A publication documenting the artworks and the history of the Freethinkers’ Space was offered to visitors for free.

20+ Years Witte de With
357 Pages
Witte de With Publishers
Encapsulating the multiple potentials of an art institution, 20+ YEARS WITTE DE WITH, is a richly illustrated survey publication. The book includes essays by the British scholar and curator Andrew Renton and the Canadian artist Ken Lum – offering distinct hypotheses onto the institution’s past, present and future from three art world agents who have engaged with Witte de With on different levels. These external perspectives are followed by our year-by-year account of every exhibition, book, education project and public event produced by Witte de With to date. Additionally, there is an index of the over 2000 artists, curators, writers, designers, musicians, activists and more, who have contributed to the institution’s program over the years.

Signs of Impermanence
48 Pages
Signs of Impermanence is an exploration of the fleeting and transitory nature of life, where everything is subject to change and ultimately impermanent.
The artists featured in this exhibition were invited to interpret this concept in their own unique way, using a variety of mediums and styles to explore the themes of impermanence and the passage of time. The resulting collection of works offers a reflection on the fragility and impermanence of the human experience.

WerkHaus zine
#2 Still Life
36 Pages
WorkHorse Collective
Early in 2021, with the UK entering another COVID lockdown and many people across the world facing restrictions and changes to daily life, we invited photographers and writers to make new work in response to this moment and to the words “Still Life”.

GUP #11 New Dutch Heroes
132 Pages
GUP Magazine
In this issue GUP Magazine devotes its attention to the best photographers in the Netherlands.
Koos Breukel, Charlotte Dumas, Morad Bouchakour, Hellen van Meene, Viviane Sassen, Aram Tanis, Juul Hondius

Monu #17 Next Urbanism
128 Pages
BOARD Publishers
This new issue of MONU is dedicated entirely to the topic of "Next Urbanism" - meaning the urbanism of the cities of the so-called "Next Eleven" or "N-11", which include also Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey and South Korea. These countries have been identified as growing into, along with the BRICs - Brazil, Russia, India, and China - the world's largest economies in the 21st century.

Beeswax Magazine #6
40 Pages
Beeswax Magazine
WerkHaus Zine is a print and digital zine which offers a collective place to document and re-imagine our urban lives and spaces.
31 photographers/artists are featured in Issue 2. Artists were invited to make new work in response to the concept of Still Life, informed by the strange days of Covid. We asked people to push beyond the Doorstep Portraits that had been everywhere during 2020, and to find a new way to think about the idea of stillness and of our lives in lockdown.

#24 The Subjective Tour Guide to Amsterdam
160 Pages
Propaganda Press
Amsterdam has for many years been known as a very tolerant and “free” place, but now something has changed.
The question lies in how culture and design can participate in a debate about the city. How can design be subversive and propose alternative uses/views on objects, infrastructure, politics in the city? For this issue of Graphic magazine we suggest a subjective tour guide to Amsterdam to reveal these questions.

Collect Art #22
Spring Issue
112 Pages
Collect Art

Extra Extra No 1
142 Pages
Extra Extra
Extra Extra nouveau magazine erotique celebrates the sensual modern life against a vibrant urban decor.